facebook-domain-verification=jhjq87iddday414mmpl9kc9x9fs1d9 THRIVING AS WE STEP INTO 2024
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As we bid adieu to 2023, I sit here, brimming with compassion, happiness, and satisfaction, filled with a sense of surprise at the journey I've traversed. I'm a Life coach, a guide in the realm of separation. But more than that, I'm a companion to those brave women navigating the path of separation. 

I've always believed that every ending is simply a new beginning in disguise. As this year folds into the next, I want to share a belief that has been my guiding light: Embrace healing and renewal as the year ends. 

It's not just about turning a new leaf on the calendar. It's about peeling away the layers of past pain, heartache, and uncertainty, and allowing the new, the fresh, the hopeful to take root. It's about giving ourselves permission to heal, to grow, to transform. 

So, as this year ends, I urge you, my brave tribe of women, to embrace this time of renewal. Let's shed the old skins, let's welcome the new dawn with open hearts and minds. Let's celebrate the power of healing, the beauty of transformation, the joy of rebirth. 

Because remember, we are not just surviving, we are thriving. And as we step into 2024, the new year, let's do it with the belief that we are stronger, wiser, and more resilient than we were yesterday. 

Here's to healing, here's to renewal, here's to us!


*** You are welcome to DM me if you have any questions.


Edna Ferman



Edna Ferman

Author, Master Life Coach, Separation Expert

Author of the book "Strong Women Finish Rich”




I've always believed that every ending is simply a new beginning in disguise. As this year folds into the next, I want to share a belief that has been my guiding light: Embrace healing and renewal as the year ends.

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